Here are a number of documents that may help to clarify the role and responsibilities of a harbor master:
Harbor Management – A legal guide for harbor masters and coastal officials (2006)- our standard text for a basic discussion of the state’s laws.
The Right Tack: Charting Your Harbor’s Future – A publication of the Maine Coastal Program and the Maine State Planning Office. (1995) PDF format.
Harbor Master Authority – A proposal by the Department of Conservation, Bureau of Public Lands (1986)
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 38, Chapter 1 – Operation of Vessels, especially subchapter 1, has most of the State of Maine’s Laws pertaining to harbor masters
A survey of our members yielded a comparison of fees for some of our towns. Of the ones that answered, here’s a chart of Mooring Fee comparisons, and other town provided Harbor Services.
Links to applications and forms:
Army Corps application forms for work in a navigable waterway.
Maine’s Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA) process explained and more links to forms and resources.